HR Glossaries

A - E Exempt Employee (OT를 주지 않아도 되는 고용인)

HR Consultant 2012.03.02 23:30 Views : 1255


Some employees are exempt from the overtime pay provisions, some from both the minimum wage and overtime pay provisions and some from the child labor provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Exemptions are narrowly construed against the employer asserting them. Consequently, employers and employees should always closely check the exact terms and conditions of an exemption in light of the employee's actual duties before assuming that the exemption might apply to the employee. The ultimate burden of supporting the actual application of an exemption rests on the employer.

Exemptions are typically applied on an individual workweek basis. Employees performing exempt and non-exempt duties in the same workweek are normally not exempt in that workweek.


  • Exempt employee, is one who is exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act, i. e. is not entitled to overtime pay and other worker's benefits stated in the FLSA
  • Over Time에서 면제되는 employee를 이야기 합니다.

    즉, Salary로 책정된 급여만 받아가는 사람입니다. 이것은 FLSA 규정에 자격조건이 주어지는 사람에 한하여야 합니다. OT을 주지 않으려고 자격조건이 없는 사람을 Salary로 정하여 지급한다면 Employer로서는 후에 문제가 심각해 질 수 있으므로, 잘 확인하시어 OT을 부적절하게 지급을 안하는 일이 없었으면 합니다.



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