Employment Law

Federal OSHA 300 Log Posting

HR Consultant 2012.02.18 17:47 Views : 703


OSHA 300 Log Posting

All employers maintaining the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's 300 Logs for workplace injuries and illnesses pursuant to OSHA's recordkeeping standard must post their 2011 annual summary by February 1, 2012. Employers must utilize the annual summary form (form 300A) when complying with the posting requirements.

Employers with less that 10 employees and some industries are exempt from this requirement. 

For example, food stores, insurance carriers, beauty shops, physicians and dental offices.  Consult your HRG for a complete list of exempt industries.


OSHA 300/300A 모두 작성하셨는지요?

매해 2월 1일까지 지난해 동안에 발생했던 모든 work related injury에 대하여 통계낸 표입니다. 아지 안 붙이셨으면 작성하여 붙여 놓으시기 바랍니다. 물론 작은 소규모 회사 (직원이 10명 미만)은 예외 대상이 됩니다.


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