Employment Law

Wage Order No. 5- CA

HR Consultant 2012.02.22 22:47 Views : 444

Wage Order No. 5- CA -Public Housekeeping Industry



"Public Housekeeping Industry" means any industry, business, or establishment,
which provides meals, housing, or maintenance, services whether operated as
a primary business or when incidental to other operations in an establishment
not covered by an industry order of the Commission, and includes, but is not
limited to the following:
(1) Restaurants, nightclubs, taverns, bars, cocktail lounges, lunch counters,
cafeterias, boarding houses, clubs, and all similar establishments where food in
either solid or liquid form is prepared and served to be consumed on the premises;
(2) Catering, banquet, box lunch service, and similar establishments, which
prepare food for consumption on or off the premises;
(3) Hotels, motels, apartment houses, rooming houses, camps, clubs, trailer parks,
office or loft buildings, and similar establishments offering rental of living, business,
or commercial quarters;
(4) Hospitals, sanitariums, rest homes, child nurseries, child care institutions, homes
for the aged, and similar establishments offering board or lodging in additional to
medical, surgical, nursing, convalescent, aged or child care;
(5) Private schools, colleges, or universities, and similar establishments which
provide board or lodging in addition to educational facilities;
(6) Establishments contracting for development, maintenance or cleaning of grounds;
maintenance or cleaning of facilities and/or quarters of commercial units and living
units; and
(7) Establishments providing veterinary or other animal care services.



See attached document for the actual Wage Order.

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