Employment Law

Wage Order No. 4 - CA

HR Consultant 2012.02.22 22:39 Views : 476

Wage Order No. 4 - CA  - Professional, Technical, Clerical, Mechanical & Similar Occupations


Here is the definition:

"Professional, Technical, Clerical, Mechanical and Similar Occupations" includes professional,
semiprofessional, managerial, supervisory, laboratory, research, technical, clerical, office work,
and mechanical occupations. Said occupations shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
accountants; agents; appraisers; artists; attendants; audio-visual technicians; bookkeepers;
bundlers; billposters; canvassers; carriers; cashiers; checkers; clerks; collectors; communications
and sound technicians; compilers; copy holders; copy readers; copy writers; computer
programmers and operators; demonstrators and display representatives; dispatchers; distributors;
door-keepers; drafters; elevator operators; estimators; editors; graphic arts technicians; guards;
guides; hosts; inspectors; installers; instructors; interviewers; investigators; librarians; laboratory
workers; machine operators; mechanics; mailers; messengers; medical and dental technicians and
technologists; models; nurses; packagers; photographers; porters and cleaners; process servers;
printers; proof readers; sales persons and sales agents; secretaries; sign erectors; sign painters;
social workers; solicitors; statisticians; stenographers; teachers; telephone, radio-telephone,
telegraph and call-out operators; tellers; ticket agents; tracers; typists; vehicle operators; x-ray
technicians; their assistants and other related occupations listed as professional, semiprofessional,
technical, clerical, mechanical, and kindred occupations.



See attached document for the actual Wage Order.

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